Men in Black: How Judges Are Destroying America Page 28
Congress: Election 2000 and; immigration and; judicial review and; role of; Supreme Court vs.
Connerly, Ward
Constitutional Convention (1787)
Consumer Credit Protection Act
contraception, privacy, right to, and
Cornyn, Jon
CPPA. See Child Pornography Prevention Act of
Curtis, Benjamin R.
Danbury Baptists
Daschle, Tom
Davey, Joshua
death penalty. See capital punishment
Declaration of Independence
Defense Department
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
DeLay, Tom
Democracy for America
Democratic Party, Democrats, campaign reform and
Democratic Victory 2004
Democrats 2000
Dery, Charles
Dery, Wilhelmina
detention policy: Ex parte Merryman; Hamdi v. Rumsfeld; Johnson v. Eisentrager; Rasul v. Bush; Supreme Court and; writs of habeas corpus and
Devanter, Willis
Dickinson, John
discrimination: affirmative action and Constitution and; reverse. See also affirmative action
District of Columbia
DOMA. See Defense of Marriage Act
Douglas, William O.; privacy, right to, and
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Dreisbach, Daniel L.
Dudgeon v. United Kingdom
Durbin, Dick
Dyer, Mary
education: affirmative action in; immigration and; judicial activism and; religion in public life and
Edwards, Senator
Eisenhower, Dwight
Eisenstadt v. Baird
Election 2000: Constitution and; Supreme Court and
elections: Bush v. Gore; judicial activism and
Eleventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow
Elman, Philip
Emergency Motion for Injunction Pending
EMILY’s List
enemy combatants, detention policy and
Engel v. Vitale
Environment 2004
Environmental Protection Agency Epstein, Richard
Estrada, Miguel
European Convention on Human Rights
European Court of Human Rights
Everson v. Board of Education
Excellence in Broadcasting
Executive Order 10925
Executive Order 11246
Ex parte Merryman
Ex parte Quirin
FAIR. See Federation for American Immigration Reform
Fair Labor Standards Act
FEC. See Federal Election Commission
Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971
Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Federal Register
Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Federalist Papers
Federalist Party, Federalists
Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)
Fein, Bruce
Feingold, Russ
Feinstein, Dianne
Feldblum, Chai
Field, Stephen J.
Fifth Amendment; forced internment and; immigration and; sodomy laws and
Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
Fillburn, Roscoe
First Amendment: campaign reform and; contraception and; freedom of speech and; pornography and; religion in public life and; Supreme Court and
Fitzpatrick, Brian
flag burning
Florida; Election 2000 and
Ford, Gerald
Fortas, Abe
Fourteenth Amendment: abortion and; affirmative action and; contraception and; Election 2000 and equal protection clause of; immigration and; judicial appointments and; privacy, right to, and; separate but equal and; sodomy laws and
Frankfurter, Felix
Franklin, Benjamin
freedom of speech: Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition; campaign reform and; Constitution and; judicial activism and; Lorillard Tobacco v. Reilly; pornography and; Supreme Court and; Texas v. Johnson
Friedman, Milton
Garner, John Nance
Garner, Tyron
Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund
gay marriage
Gelder, Barbara
Gerhardt, Michael
Gibbons, Julia Scott
Gibbons v. Ogden
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
God: Pledge of Allegiance and; in public life. See also religion
Gonzalez, Alberto R.
Gore, Al; Election 2000 and
Graham v. Richardson
Grassroots Democrats
Gratz v. Bollinger
Greenberger, Marcia
Grier, Robert C.
Griswold, Estelle
Griswold v. Connecticut
Grutter, Barbara
Grutter v. Bollinger
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Hamdi, Yaser Esam
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld
Hamilton, Alexander; immigration and; judicial appointments and; judicial review and
Hampton v. Mow Sun Wong
Harding, Major
Hardwick, Michael
Harlan, John Marshall
Harris, Katherine
Hatch, Orrin
Haynes, William J.
Heim v. McCall
Henderson, Wade
Hepburn v. Griswold
Hiss, Alger
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
homosexuality: civil rights and; gay marriage and; sodomy laws and
Hopkinson, Joseph
Hostettler, John
Hughes, Charles Evans
human rights
Hutchinson, Anne
IIRIRA. See Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA)
immigration: civil service jobs and; Congress and; Constitution and; education and; Graham v. Richardson Hampton v. Mow Sun Wong, Heim v. McCall; history of; illegal; judicial activism and Nyquist v. Mauclet Ohio ex rel. v. Clarke Deckebach Auditor Plyler v. Doe; public benefits and; In re Griffiths; Sugarman v. Dougall; Supreme Court and; welfare and
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Independence Hall
In re Griffiths
In re Territo
INS. See Immigration and Naturalization Service
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
international law: human rights and; judicial reliance on; juvenile capital punishment and; sodomy laws and
Ironworkers Union
Issacharoff, Samuel
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Jesse
Jackson, Robert
Japanese Americans
Jarvis, William C.
Jay, John
Jefferson, Thomas; immigration and; judicial review and; religion in public life and
John Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson v. Eisentrager
Joint Victory Campaign 2004
Jones, Elaine
judicial activism: consequences of; Constitution and; Dred Scott v. Sandford Korematsu v. United States Plessy v. Ferguson; racism and; Roe v. Wade; segregation and; slavery and; Supreme Court and
judicial appointments: abortion and; Constitution and; filibustering; liberals and; U.S. Senate and
Judicial Conference of
the United States
judicial review: Congress and; Constitution and
judicial tyranny
judiciary: accountability and; activist; authority of; Constitution and; Founding Fathers and; impeachment and; independence of; philosophies of; policy and; politics and. See also U.S. Supreme Court
Judiciary Act of 1789
Judiciary Act of 1801
Judiciary Act of 1802
Justice Department
Kelo v. City of New London
Kelo, Susette
Kennedy, Anthony, abortion and, campaign reform and, Election 2000 and, homosexuality and civil rights and, judicial activism and, pornography and, religion in public life and, sodomy laws and
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Ted
Kerry, John
Knox, John
Korematsu United States
Kuhl, Caroline
Ku Klux Klan
Laborers Union
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund
Landmark Legal Foundation, Lansky, Meyer
Lautenberg, Frank
law, rule of
Lawrence, John
Lawrence Texas
Laxalt, Paul
LDF. See Legal Defense Fund
Leadership Conference on Cil Rights
League of Conservation Voters
Leahy, Patrick
Lear, Norman
Lee Wiseman
Left. See liberals
Legal Defense Fund (LDF)
Levin, Mark
Lewis, Peter
Lewis, Terry
liberals: judicial appointments and, religion in public life and
Lichtman, Judy
Lieberman, Joe
Lincoln, Abraham
Livingston, Edward
Livingston, Henry Brockholst
Locke Davey
Lorillard Tobacco Reilly
Louisiana Purchase
Lynn, Barry
Madison, James, judicial review and, judiciary and, religion in public life and
The Majesty of the Law: Reflections of a Supreme Court Justice (O’Connor)
Marbury Madison
Marbury, William
Marijuana Policy Project Political Fund
marriage: Constitution and, gay, interracial, privacy, right to, and
Marriage Protection Act
Marshall, John
Marshall, Thurgood
Maryland Wirtz
Mason, George
Massachusetts Constitution
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
Matsui, Robert T.
McCain, John, 86
McCain-Feingold Act
McCarthy, Andrew C.
McConnell, Michael
McConnell, Mitch
McConnell Federal Election Commission
McCorvey, Norma
McGinnis, John O.
McKenna, Joseph
McKinley, William
McReynolds, James C.
media, campaign reform and
Media Fund
Meese, Edwin, III
Men in Black (Levin)
Merryman, John
Michelman, Kate
Michigan, University of, Minnesota
Minority Business Enterprise, Missouri
Missouri Compromise
Moore, Roy
morality: abortion and legislation and Voter Fund
Muñoz, Vincent Phillip
Musgrave, Marilyn
Music for America
NAACP. See National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
Nance, Roger
NARAL Pro-Choice America National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP)
National Association of Realtors
National Education Association (NEA)
National Federation of Republican Women
National Industrial Act of
National Industrial Recovery Act of
National Partnership
National Review Online
National Women’s Law Center
Natural Resources Defense Council
Naturalization Act of
Naturalization Act of, NEA. See National Education Association
Neas, Ralph
New Deal
New Democrat Network
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Republic
New York
New York Daily News
New York Journal
New York Times
Newdow, Michael
Newman, Roger K.
Ninth Amendment
Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
Nixon, Richard
NLRB Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation
North Carolina
Northern Alliance
November Fund
Nyquist v Mauclet
O’Connor, Sandra Day, abortion and, affirmative action and, Election and, international law and religion in public life and sodomy laws and
Ohio ex rel. Clarke Deckebach Auditor
originalism, originalists
Owen, Priscilla
Partnership for America’s Families
Parvin, Albert
Pelosi, Nancy
People for the American Way
Perez v United States
Pickering, Charles
Pinckney, Charles
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood Casey
Pledge of Allegiance
Plessy v Ferguson
Plyler v Doe
Poe v Ullman
policy: judiciary and, Supreme Court and
political speech. See freedom of speech
Polk, James, pornography, child, Ashcroft Free Speech Coalition, freedom of speech and
Powell, Adam Clayton
Powell, Lewis affirmative action and
president: judicial activism and, judicial
appointment power and, role of
Supreme Court vs.
Princeton University
Prison Litigation Reform Act (1996)
privacy, right to: abortion and, Constitution and contraception and Eisenstadt Baird Griswold Connecticut marriage and Planned Parenthood Casey Poe Ullman Roe v. Wade sodomy laws and Supreme Court and
private property
Progress for America
Proll, Leslie
Pryor, William Public Campaign Action Fund, Punk Voter Inc.
racism. See affirmative action
Railroad Retirement Act
Rasul Bush
Reagan, Ronald abortion and, terrorism and
Reed, Stanley
Regents of the University of California Bakke
Rehnquist, William, affirmative action and commerce clause and, Election and immigration and impeachment and, religion in public life and
Reid, Harry
religion: Constitution and Elk Grove Unified School District Newdow Engel Vitale, Everson Board of Education Lee Wiseman Locke Davey Wallace Jaffree Zelman Simmons-Harris
Republican Leadership Council
Republican Party, Republicans: campaign reform and Election and, immigration and, judicial review and
Republican Leadership Coalition
Revolutionary Women
Rhode Island Richardson, Carmen
Roberts, John
Roberts, Owen
Roe Wade judicial activism and, privacy, right to, and, Romer, Roy
Romer Evans
Roosevelt, Franklin D., court packing by forced internment and, New Dea
l and
rule of law
Rule of Naturalization Rutledge, John
Santorum, Rick
Scalia, Antonin: affirmative action and, detention policy and Election and gay marriage and homosexuality and civil rights and privacy, right to, and, religion in public life and
Schechter Poultry Corp. United States
Schumer, Charles SEC. See Securities and Exchange Commission
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
segregation judicial activism and, Plessy Ferguson See also affirmative action
“separate but equal”
Service Employees International Union
Sexual Offences Act (1967)
Sheet Metal Workers Union, Sherman, Roger
Shultz, George
Sierra Club
Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
slavery, Dred Scott Sandford, judicial activism and
Smith, Craig
socialism, U.S. Supreme Court and
sodomy laws Fourteenth Amendment and international law and, privacy, right to, and Supreme Court and
Sommer, Susan
Soros, George
Souter, David
Soviet Union
speech, freedom of. See freedom of speech
Stalin, Joseph
Standing Order
State Department Stenberg Carhart
Stevens, John Paul detention policy and immigration and, religion in public life and, sodomy laws and
Stewart, Potter
Story, Joseph
Stronger America Now, Sugarman Dougall
Sutton, Jeffrey
Swift Vets and POWs for Truth
Taft, William
Taney, Roger
Ten Commandments
Tenth Amendment
Tenth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
terrorism, Bush detention policy and
Texas v Johnson
Thanksgiving Day proclamation
Thomas, Clarence affirmative action and, commerce clause and, detention policy and Election 2000 and, religion in public life and
Thompson, Senator
Thompson Oklahoma
Toleration Act of 1784
Torricelli, Robert
Twenty-fifth Amendment
U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Civil War
U.S. Constitution, affirmative action and amendment of, Bill of Rights, campaign reform and, commerce clause of detention policy and discrimination and, Election 2000 and Fifth Amendment First Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment freedom of speech and, immigration and, judicial activism and, judicial appointments and judicial review and judiciary and marriage and, Ninth Amendment, privacy, right to, and religion in public life and restoring rewriting, strict interpretation of, Tenth Amendment Twenty-fifth Amendment
U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit